Tryg Insurance: "We used Conversational AI to go from 65 back office agents to 7"

Bjartmar Strøm Jensen is the Director of Quality Excellence at the insurance giant Tryg. He was recently on stage at's BoostCamp London event and described their fantastic journey with Conversational AI.
He highlights that back in 2018, the company had 314 sales agents, backed by 65 expensive second-line or 'back-office' agents.
Today, they have over 700 sales agents, serviced by just 7 back-office colleagues.
Why the astonishing difference?
The company has deployed's Conversational AI tech to drive the company's internal Agent Assist capabilities.
Essentially, those 700 front-line sales agents can now get immediate assistance directly from their internal AI, rather than having to 'put the customer on hold' and wait to get through to one of those 65 second-line agents.
This is fantastic.
It's a brilliant example of what you can do with Conversational AI – and whilst the attention (perhaps rightly) often goes on how companies can achieve astonishing results with front-end customer support services driven by AI, this is a great reminder of what can be done internally.
If you're not using internal AI agent assist technology in your company, you're doing it wrong.
If you'd like to talk to the team at about what they can do to help, reach out to their Chief Customer Officer, Nick Mitchell:
Or, reach out to the man himself at Tryg, Bjartmar Strøm Jensen.