Tifin launches MyFi, a conversational AI for investment guidance

Tifin is an AI focused company that creates companies to improve wealth outcomes. They've just launched a Conversational AI investment guidance service in India called MyFi, according to the Economic Times of India.
I wanted to document this one as I think we'll likely see a lot more of these types of services come to market. Indeed, I often hear banks and other financial institutions mention this use case whenever they're thinking about how Conversational AI might be used for their customers.
Here's a little from the announcement:
US-based AI-driven fintech platform TIFIN on Monday marked its debut in the Indian market with the launch of MyFi, a conversational AI assistant offering customised investment guidance. MyFi deploys research-driven, fact-based investment intelligence and AI models to generate personalised investment guidance based on the users' investment portfolio.
And an obligatory statement from the company:
"Building on the success of its global offerings, TIFIN seeks to revolutionise wealth management outcomes in India in a strategic move to strengthen its commitment to the region and mission of impact through innovation at speed. MyFi is registered with SEBI as a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) and is operating in strict accordance with all relevant government regulations," a company statement said.
I couldn't find any decent screenshots or examples to show you - but I will write a post in a moment about another offering from Tifin that does have some screenshots!
I couldn't find an original press release so if you'd like more details, get ready for a pop-up adfest at the Economics Times to read the full article here.