The Bank of London begins its Conversational AI journey with live chat features

I saw this post earlier from Frankie Woodhead, Group Chief Product Officer at The Bank of London. He writes:
I’m very excited to launch The Bank of London’s Instant Chat functionality, as a further build alongside our AI assistant. We’ve enabled the ability for prospects & clients to speak directly with a member of The Bank of London team within our online banking channel & account onboarding journey. (More locations coming very soon) This is one of many ways we will make it easier to speak directly with us, with more exciting developments to follow in the coming weeks.
Live chat is a really good idea, especially for critical stages like onboarding – this is often overlooked because prospects aren't usually considered clients and therefore don't have access to online banking... yet.
The team has also enabled the capability for Online Banking too - so that you can reach out to the bank's agents with queries directly.
Here's a screenshot of the animation Frankie posted:

Launching live chat as a feature will be a familiar journey stage for a lot of financial service providers. It's a great step to take beyond email and telephony – chat is much more responsive and immediate, especially when customers want help now. Not in 2 minutes, not in 1 hour... now.
I know from speaking directly with Frankie that the bank plans to weave in their Gen-AI capability in due course – so we should potentially expect to see live chat to address more specific use cases and Conversational AI.
One to watch! Good luck to the team at The Bank of London!