OpenDialog AI launches Insurance AI Co-Pilot

OpenDialog AI launches Insurance AI Co-Pilot
Screenshot from the OpenDialog Insurance AI Co-Pilot page

This morning the team at OpenDialog AI launched their Insurance AI Co-Pilot offering for insurers, brokers and MGAs ("managing general agents").

They've produced a rather helpful video showing how the product works for the agent whilst a customer is on the phone.

Screenshot from the OpenDialog AI video

Above, you can see the Co-Pilot ready and waiting for the customer number.

Fill in the customer number and then then the Co-Pilot picks up the policies from the system thus:

Really nice and clear – very efficient. I'd also suggest it's a lot faster than having to flick through the various (and often, badly designed!) system screens to locate the information.

Above you can see the summary data on the customer's policy. Then the agent can simply ask any more queries. In the video, they gave this example:

The agent was able to type free text to query the excess - and then back came the answer.

Very impressive.

It also sounded pretty effective on the 'demo call' they showed in the video.

You can watch that here:

It strikes me that this is a good 'off the shelf' solution for insurance companies looking to quickly drive service efficiencies on the front-end for agents dealing with customers.

It doesn't look like there's too much work needed to deploy - you need to hook it into the policy management/CRM systems. It looks like the Co-Pilot sits on top (or, alongside) the existing agent tools. The FAQ on the Co-Pilot page suggests that insurance companies can get to 'full functionality' within just a few weeks.

Find out more over at OpenDialog AI's Insurance AI Co-Pilot page.

If you're looking for an OpenDialog AI contact, reach out to Danny Major, Chief Customer Officer.