Infobip launches Conversational AI ebook

Infobip, the omnichannel communications specialist, has launched a Conversational AI ebook that might be of interest to you, dear reader.
It's titled: Driving meaningful customer engagement with conversational AI
And that is what we all want, isn't it?
The summary from the Infobip website reports the eBook is going to be relevant for:
Brands in retail, digital commerce, financial services, and telcos across Asia Pacific are using their customers’ preferred channels to address their informational needs— in turn, gaining a competitive edge.
And here is a rough overview of the chapters:
- The pivotal role of channels in shaping exceptional CX
- The power of conversational AI in understanding customer preferences
- How to overcome key challenges to deliver enhanced customer experiences
- The advantage of having a customer data platform in orchestrating a unified journey
- Real-world use cases showcasing the transformative impact of an omnichannel communication strategy
I'm going to download and have a read - here's the link.
Nice work Infobip. Find out more about the company's offerings at