Hello to the 1,140 subscribers on our LinkedIn Newsletter

Hello to the 1,140 subscribers on our LinkedIn Newsletter
Screenshot of the first newsletter on LinkedIn

Yesterday, I got a phone call from a colleague who was asking why we didn't have a LinkedIn Newsletter for Conversational AI News.

I said I was thinking about it.

I explained that I felt it was a little excessive given we already have newsletter capability built straight into this system. Many of you are already members here – and you automatically get a notification for every article published.

My colleague berated me.

"Yes, but some will just want to consume on LinkedIn, remember there are a BILLION users," came the reply.

Fair point.

I already send a regular newsletter on LinkedIn for FinTech Profile (my other passion project!) so I am familiar with the process.

I set it up and wrote the first "Week 29" newsletter – then I pressed publish.

It was sent to 1 subscriber – me. Whoop!

Fast forward to this morning and we now have a whopping 1,140 subscribers.


Double wow.

Screenshot from the LinkedIn newsletter page

There is a lot of interest in Conversational AI!

I had a hunch – that's why I started the site in the first place.

I've had a look through a lot of those who have subscribed and I'm surprised by the depth of interest from across the financial services ecosystem. There are a lot of very senior executives who already follow me on LinkedIn on the list too!

My colleague, it seems, had a point.

I'd love it if you followed Conversational AI News directly - here - on the website. I'm writing this on the website. But it's ok if you're following via LinkedIn too! In fact, it's wonderful. You are a ready I would otherwise not be reaching, so thank you.

Thank you to everyone who has taken a chance and pressed 'subscribe' on LinkedIn.

Consider becoming an actual member

Do think about becoming a member here too. Membership is free and you'll get email updates whenever we post. Buuuut you can also show your support by becoming a premium subscriber. And I've got a few other exclusive membership tiers for PR companies and Conversational AI vendors. Email me for more details or register and you'll see the options once you've become a free standard member.

Help: Ideas, suggestions, interviews, profiles, thought-leadership & opinion pieces!

To all our new subscribers then, please don't be a stranger. Please do send me:

  • Your ideas for topics I should be looking at.
  • Your suggestions for developing the offerings.
  • Your interview targets - are you doing something interesting in Conversational AI? I would like to interview you. I've got some coming soon already so drop me a note.
  • Your Profile suggestions - I am looking for senior executives to profile (similar to what I do with FinTech Profile). Please send me your ideas and pitches.
  • Thought leadership & Opinion: If you've got something to say, talk to me and I can publish here.

My contact details are here, but – for convenience, email me at ewan@conversationalainews.com.

Follow on LinkedIn

So, if you're not actually following us on LinkedIn and you'd like to try that, then you have two options:

Our LinkedIn Page

Every single post is published - in brief - to the Conversational AI News LinkedIn page. Each item looks like this:

It's just the headline, the image and the link to read more.

The Conversational AI News LinkedIn Newsletter

Every week I'll send a compendium of the posts we've published via the LinkedIn Newsletter system. It looks like this:

Thank you

I deeply appreciate everyone taking the time to subscribe and follow in whichever way you choose. Thank you again to my colleague for the inspiration yesterday!