
I think events are a particularly important method of exchanging information and discussing the trends driving the Conversational AI marketplace. That's why I actively host a variety of events including summits, breakfast briefings and roundtables.

Upcoming Events

I am hosting the following events. If you'd like to participate, please email me.

  • Summit: Conversational AI - What does good look like in 2024?
    3rd September 2024, London
  • Roundtable: Conversational AI Best Practices in Financial Services
    3rd July 2024, London

Previous Events

Here are some of the events I have participated in recently.

  • Future FinTech
    I was delighted to participate in Futurice's latest FinTech Futures event. My presentation was titled: Conversational AI - the next banking interface.
    13th June 2024, London

Invite me to speak

If you're planning an event and you'd like me to talk about Conversational AI, please drop me a note.