DRUID AI helps Optegra reduce transaction costs from £50 to £1 with Conversational AI

When I'm advising clients in the Conversational AI space, I'm often challenged by executives to give them tangible, meaningful benefits that others have managed to achieve.
Often, I talk about FTE redeployment opportunities – that is a key metric that many executives respond to positively.
It's also useful to have direct examples of how Conversational AI can impact business results – and that's something we got from DRUID AI's podcast that featured a brief case study on their work with eye surgery expert Optegra.
Martin Kraft, DRUID AI's Vice President Sales EMEA & APAC explains how after implementing the company's Conversational AI tools, Optegra's costs per transaction fell from an average of £50 ($66 USD) to around £1 ($1.32 USD).
That's quite an efficiency gain. That's one example to bookmark!
Nice work Optegra and nice work DRUID AI!
You can watch the full podcast here on YouTube:
And if you'd like to get in touch with Martin, here's his LinkedIn profile.