Does your company have a Head of Conversational Shopping, yet?

Does your company have a Head of Conversational Shopping, yet?
Screenshot from LinkedIn search page

Inspired by Rajiv Mehta's title at Amazon ("Vice President, Search and Conversational Shopping"), I thought I should pose this question: Does your company have a Head (or Director) of Conversational Shopping?

The answer, based on my 30-minutes of LinkedIn-browsing, is: No.

I found dozens and dozens of individuals with Conversational Shopping in their current job titles, but all of them, exclusively, are working at Amazon.

I found one individual who did hold this post at an Eastern European provider a year or so ago.

But that's it.

I've never found LinkedIn's search capability to be fantastic so I recognise this isn't a comprehensive market scan.

I tried some old favourites in Google - adding brand names like "H&M" and "Marks & Spencer" together with "Conversational AI" and although I discovered lots of interesting posts, I didn't stumble on any specific job roles.

Is Amazon really that far ahead of everyone else?

Or could it be that the term Conversational Shopping is covered by a variety of other job roles in most other companies?