Conversational AI Mini Summit: Watch my Quick Video Overview

Conversational AI Mini Summit: Watch my Quick Video Overview
Screenshot from the video

I hope you're looking forward to the upcoming Conversational AI Mini Summit next week in Central London.

If you'd like more information, including the process for obtaining an invitation, the details are here.

In this quick video overview, I'm giving you an introduction to the event along with a summary of the agenda as it stands today. I also touch on the sponsors (thank you Koios and Qualyfi).

Have a watch:

Here's the transcription (edited a bit) for those unable to watch at the video:

Hello and welcome to the Conversational AI News podcast. This episode is just a quick one to tell you all about the mini summit that's coming up shortly. So I'm recording this on Friday. So next Tuesday, the 10th of September, 5 to 7 PM in central London. That's when we're doing the first mini summit.

I really am very grateful to everyone who's weighed-in with their opinions and suggestions on what we do. So 5pm to 7 pm. Here is the rundown as it is right now. It's subject to change, because we're still discussing some possibilities.

The fireside keynote is with an individual from one of the world's largest banks based in London. The individual is based in London, the bank is not, they're a very, very big, big bank. And I'm not giving the name because the individual concerned, the executive has asked if I don't do so, perfectly fine.

The individual is going to talk through their journey rolling out Conversational AI at this massive bank internal. So the internal program of work and it's fascinating, really, really fascinating. There's a lot going on there. So we'll do that. That's probably about 20 odd minutes. Then it's over to two of our sponsors. So if you've been following along, you'll see in alphabetical order, Koios and Qualyfi.

Koios's representative is Tom Sherwood, the CEO. He'll be joining us. I'm going to ask him to give us a broadcast across 10 minutes. We may have some slides. I'm still exploring that, but we are absolutely not doing death by PowerPoint. I'm sure Tom and Neil from Qualyfi, they don't want to do that either. I may do fireside chat style, similar to the bank, whereby I'm going to I'll ask some questions and get some dialogue going or we'll have a broadcast.

So that's 10 minutes each. And I am indebted and very, very thankful to Tom and Neil. That's Tom from Koios Neil from Qualyfi

All the details, all the details are on the website for you find out a lot about them. I'll say more about them near the time. I'm going to do a podcast interview with Tom and with Neil separately. That's coming soon.

After that, after that, we have Ed Hodges and Ed was most recently from HelloDone is the founder of HelloDone. HelloDone was recently acquired and to my knowledge, Ed is the the only, I think Conversational AI exited founder, exited founder in Conversational AI in the UK (as far as I know).

So Ed sold his company recently to Scurri. We'll finish off with a chat with Ed to explore his journey in Conversational AI.

Now, if you're following along with timings, we'll do 20 minutes, 20, 25 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 minutes, and then I think 10 -ish minutes with Ed. And that's it. That's it. Then it's networking.

The venue: I am not talking about publicly to make sure we control numbers. So if you would like to come along, that's... And if you're on the list, great. I've already replied to you saying you're on the list. I'll send you the details of the venue. I'm keeping that quiet so we can manage things.

My philosophy, just so you know, is that I've gone for intimate. It's a very small venue deliberately because I was aiming for about 40 people, maximum.

It's a very nice small venue with some chairs set out. There is a little bar behind. It's fantastic. It's really, really good. I'm going to order some food. I haven't decided that. I'm still kicking that around. Thank you for your feedback on food. So we'll have some food there. And then first hour, as I say, first hour is just listening, receiving, right? By all means, a couple of questions from the audience if appropriate, but we'll just try and keep it short and sweet.

And then the last hour is just talk, networking, conversation. I think you'll, I'm pretty confident looking down the list and interacting with those who've already said they're coming. I'm confident you're gonna meet someone who's going to add some value, right? Even if it's a different perspective, a different idea.

We've got a mix of practitioners attending. Some are people that are actually imlpementing Conversational AI. We've got people that are really interested in the topic commercially. We've got some people from the professional services angle, and then of course we've got the vendors. I've been careful where we're not gonna be overrun with vendors, but I think it is important to have some representation from some of the vendors as well.

So I think we've got space for two or three to come. So if you would like to come, and you're up for a nice relaxed intimate surroundings talking about conversational AI, you will be most welcome. But please would you email me at Say you'd love to come along, you're keen to come. And then I'll reply back to say yes.

What else do need to tell you? Location. So I'm not publicly confirming the venue, but it's near Soho Square. So think Central London W1, very near Tottenham Court Road station – it's really easy to get to.

So the first hour is listening and hopefully learning. The second hour is just conversation and networking. We'll take all the chairs away and please just interact. And you can be confident that everyone who is attending has an opinion. Everyone you meet and everyone you see in the room has an opinion on Conversational AI.

I know that because I've approved the guest list manually, right? There's no creativity. I know that everybody coming does care about and have an interest in the topic.

So I hope it will be a really good event. If you'd like to come along, please be super, super quick requesting an invitation.