Conversational AI doubles the number of colonoscopies

Here's an interesting update from PharmaPhorum I read the other day highlighting how Conversational AI outreach from MyEleanor to potential colonoscopy candidates really helped improve things.
Here's the background:
They used the MyEleanor bot to make an initial call to try to encourage 2,400 Bronx residents who had not turned up for an appointment to reschedule, with the aim of referring them to a human navigator who could then book them in. The bot – which can talk in English or Spanish – would also ask questions to examine the reasons behind their initial decision not to attend.
I encourage you to read the full article for more information. The results were fantastic:
- Double the number of operations
- 52+ hours saved (making all those repetitive phone calls)
The company behind MyEleanor is Myndyou - and they describe their offering thus:
The world’s most empathetic, fully-present, richly-communicative virtual care manager, MyEleanor
If you're looking for more information on Myndyou, their CEO is Ruth Poliakine.