ChatGPT now offers European data residency (at rest)

If you have an Enterprise agreement with OpenAI (show me a big company that doesn't?) and you're eligible for Zero Data Retention, then you can now choose to enable 'European Data Residency' for your consumption. This is according to the company's blog post to that effect published yesterday.
This is has been serious issue for so many companies I've been working with – so it's good to see this now being offered.
Quite a few companies I know just couldn't wait and many simply used the fact the agreement was 'Enterprise' (i.e. something their lawyers touched) to smooth out the objections of many a compliance officer.
I would be surprised if tomorrow morning, the majority of OpenAI's European enterprise clients haven't flicked the switch to put their data (somewhere) in the EU.
I say somewhere because there are so specific mentions of which country - on the help pages it simply says "EEA+Switzerland" which doesn't really narrow things down.
The LinkedIn update from OpenAI reports:
With data residency, API customers now have the option to process data for eligible API endpoints in Europe, and new ChatGPT Enterprise and Edu customers can choose to have customer content stored at rest in the region.
So good news for data processing that should have be done within the EU and was probably (shhhh) being sent to the States beforehand.